FEATURED CHARACTER: EMA SKYE "Ema Skye is a forensics scientist with the Los Angeles Criminal Affairs Department who was the detective in charge of Apollo Justice's first few cases. As a teenager, nine years before she became a detective, she was Phoenix Wright's investigative partner and co-counsel in the murder of Bruce Goodman and also aided Miles Edgeworth in some of his cases."

"The Ace Attorney franchise is based around the adventure video games published by Capcom. In said games, the player takes on the role of an attorney who must uncover the truth behind crimes using evidence, cross-examination, and investigation. The series has also spawned film, musical, anime, and manga adaptations, as well as crossovers with other franchises."
"Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten, lit. Turnabout Trial: Revived Turnabout) is the first game in the Ace Attorney series. It was originally released in Japan on Oct. 12, 2001 as a Game Boy Advance game under the name Gyakuten Saiban (Turnabout Trial). The original version of the game is split up into four episodes that follow the first four cases of rookie defense attorney Phoenix Wright."